Professional, reliable and highly qualified
Staff working for ACCL need to have a BICSI or RCDD qualification before they are considered to become part of our Team. In addition to their education professional qualifications, team members are involved in regular training that is designed to update and improve their skills. The technical qualifications of the personnel working as a part of the ACCL team is another reason as to why we are considered among the top cable consultancy providers in the market. All of our processes comply with the OHSAS 18001:2009, BS EN ISO, 9001:2000 and the BS EN ISO 14001:1996 standards. Clients are therefore assured of high quality services and the use of quality products on their projects.
Dealing with a company that sets such high standards, ensures that your data and voice cabling is reliable in the long term. You actually save more money when the job is completed properly the very first time. Constant repairs and frequent change of providers not only increases your IT bill but also leads to revenue loss due to interruption in business and communication with your clients. Competitive rates and an approach that ensures that we provide the correct solution for your project make ACCL stand out as a truly professional cable consultancy provider that you would want to work with.